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Carwyn Wooldridge

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Carwyn Wooldridge

Carwyn Wooldridge

I get angry quicker and wound up about things that before my injury I would've laughed at or ignored

In October, 2012, Carwyn Wooldridge fell 21 feet through a flat window and sustained a traumatic brain injury.

In this Q&A feature, Carwyn, from Blackwood in Wales, discusses the challenges he’s faced following his brain injury, his love for his wife and the advice he’d give others in the same situation.

What makes you happy?

First off, my wife, the way she has been there for me and her kind nature. Second, my cycling. I can't run anymore because I need a knee replacement, so cycling helps me get out and it means a lot to me.

What is your proudest moment?

What I achieved when I played rugby as a kid, oh and marrying my wife.

What is the most frustrating thing about your brain injury?

The way I get wound up easily. I try and stay calm, but I get angry quicker and wound up about things that before my injury I would've laughed at or ignored. I also get frustrated at my bad memory.

What’s the most important lesson life has taught you?

Never give up.

Who has supported you the most through your brain injury? And how did they help?

My wife, was there for me after accident, when had my brain operation and still helps in every way that she can.

What hopes do you have for the future?

To be with my wife forever, she has stuck with me through all this and helped me so much. She is my world.

If you could give one piece of advice to others in the same situation as yourself, what would it be? 

Never think negative, always be positive and think about the good things in your life. 



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