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Creative expression
From artwork and videos to blogs and podcasts, explore these creative expressions of what a brain injury means to people.
Focus on what you can do and then use your new free time to build from there
Stroke | Survivor |
I find that once they know about my surgery, people assume I’m stupid. But I’m not an idiot.
Brain tumour | Survivor |
Service users from Headway Cardiff and South East Wales created this incredible 1920s-inspired silent movie
Other | Family member/carer |
Peter finds artwork helps him with mobility in his upper body and encourages relaxation.
This has been an amazing opportunity, a chance to step out of the comfort zone and try something brand new and, I think, quite exciting.
“It shows my hidden disability in a way that has made a positive difference to my life.”
Concussion | Survivor |
I actually survived something quite unbelievable
Fall | Survivor |
“After the accident, poetry helped me to express my emotions and reconnect with my old self."
Road traffic incident | Survivor |
Art is often used in a therapeutic way to express and communicate emotional and social issues.
A charity of love
Headway was there for me, in every sense
On the tip of my tongue
I'm still here, with you today and with you tomorrow
Other | Survivor |
Five years on; ‘you can’t still be that bad?’
I never did art before my brain injury
What you are failing to judge me on is the hidden me
Sports | Survivor |
Showcasing the joy of art across the Headway network
We too must take a rest, just before we start again
I’m pretending I’m alert hiding my yawn in my (jersey) sleeve
Your mind and emotion hold the key
I'm OK with My Broken Brain
Encephalitis | Survivor |
Planting a seed of thought
Other | Survivor | 5m 42s
Photography has given me the ability to achieve on my own
I know, I know, I've heard it all before, it doesn't help even though it’s true.
When I finished the canvases I used to feel a certain satisfaction that I'd achieved something
I suddenly felt the need to write a poem today. I was amazed by what came out...
Always be true to yourself and keep in touch with friends and family
I am determined to get back to where I was.
I would not be in the positive place I am now without their listening ear, information and support.
My music and mixing are both therapeutic and stimulating.
Aneurysm | Survivor |
My art makes me focus on the better things in life
I don’t think I’d be able to get through my days without doing some sketching to calm me down
Balancing rest and creativity really helps me to stay positive.
I hope this may provide encouragement for others to write.
Even when I struggle to string a sentence together I can pick up my pallet knife and disappear into myself.
You go from awesome to primal and basic in a heartbeat.
A brain injury is 'a bungee-jump' into a very unpleasant place.
Try to understand yourself and your limitations, because by doing this you can gain confidence.
The infernal birdsong of chronic illness.
It's good physiotherapy, and coming up with patterns makes my brain work.
Brain haemorrhage | Survivor |
Continue to give your family member all your love, support and patience, and do not give up on them.
Fall | Family member/carer |
I have never painted before, but I found it so relaxing and I surprised myself
Music takes me to a safe place. It has over time helped me to remember certain memories and events.
After the accident, poetry helped me to express my emotions and reconnect with my old self.
Adjusting to life after brain injury is a bit like learning to fight a bear
I enjoy being creative and painting takes me to a happy place!
When I was in hospital all I could think was ‘will I paint again?'
Poetry has allowed me to revisit challenges and experiences I have been through and conquered.
Writing helps me maintain the more intact elements of my communication
Hydrocephalus | Survivor |
I got a standing ovation
Brain imaging came as an epiphany - a springboard for the imagination
I wasn’t a patient any of them would forget in a hurry.
The fatigue can be relentless
I hope my photographs can get people talking about the condition
After my brain injury I kept questioning, 'what if I have lost my ability to be creative?'
What’s this tumour doing in my brain, why can I not just, stay the same?
She hopes to communicate someone’s story in the most realistic light
Only once you've been through the darkness can you find acceptance and understanding
My prose and purple passages are better than ever
After my stroke I never dreamt that I could be where I am now
I realised quite how invisible brain injury and related conditions can be
Dad 2.0
Road traffic incident | Family member/carer |
Never give up
Brain injury didn't steal my future
Headway is a haven
Riding my horse Johnny keeps me focused
I see Headway as the pit stop
The old me is not the new me
The new me and my Jumbledbrain blog
Holiday from brain injury
Fall | Survivor | 6:06
Dear my new brain
Art gave me a sense of purpose after brain injury
New found love of art has given my life meaning