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Lauren Walkington Q&A

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Lauren Walkington Q&A

Lauren Walkington Q&A

Blogging helped me better understand myself

In September 2016 Lauren Walkington sustained a traumatic brain injury in a high-speed road traffic collision. After being sedated at the scene and flown to Leeds General Infirmary by air ambulance, Lauren’s family were told to prepare for the worst.

Remarkably Lauren pulled through and she now writes about her experience of brain injury in her blog That Muddled Girl.

How long have you been blogging and what made you start?

I started the blog around a year following my accident, in July 2017. I felt like people didn’t understand, but I didn’t want to force things onto them. I thought it was a good way for me to get that information out there so that people could make the choice to find out more if they wanted to.

How has blogging helped you following your brain injury?

It has helped me to better understand myself and everything that was going on and gather my thoughts in a collective way.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I love quotes! They really inspire me. Long or short, they can change your mindset/perspective so quickly and that can make all the difference.

Lauren and her Grandad

Lauren and her Grandad

Do you get any positive feedback from the people who read your blog?

I don’t actually care too much about feedback as I use the blog more as a way of me getting my thoughts out there. Initially it was only me who could see it.

However, my friends and family who have read it are all very complimentary.

What advice would you give to an aspiring blogger?

Be honest. Be relatable. My saving grace going through all this is knowing that I’m not alone because it can be a very lonely world.

How has Headway helped you?

Headway Harrogate and District was set up at the perfect time for me. I was just coming out of rehab and needing that support. It allowed me to meet people who just ‘got it’. And I mean really got it.

I regularly help out at the monthly cake stall to raise funds and bake for the local hospital. It’s really helped me with confidence and it makes me happy to know that I’m giving something back to the group that supports me so well.

Lauren and her dog

What’s the most frustrating thing about your brain injury?

Definitely not being able to do the things I once could. They said it was good that I had insight but sometimes it doesn’t feel like that because I’m aware of the things I once could do.

What makes you happy?

Walks in beautiful places and good conversation.

What is your most treasured possession?

My memories! Especially of the three months I spent in America prior to the accident. They are what have kept me going.

What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

Never take anything for granted. Appreciate everything because you could die tomorrow.


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