Q&A - ‘Be in the mome...
‘Be in the moment. This is all you have.’
Brain injury survivor Harriet Barnsley on happiness, ignorant friends and feeling free.
Harriet sustained a traumatic brain injury after a speeding driver doing more than 100mph hit her while she was standing at a bus stop. She still works hard to cope with fatigue and anxiety.
Being alive, every moment of every day. Nature. Kind deeds. Other people’s happiness.
Myself. I understand what it’s like from the inside. Those close to me try to understand with the bits and pieces that they have learnt about brain injury, but after 4 years I am the one who can see clearly how it has changed me.
People not taking it into consideration when they interact with me. Friends who compare me to who I was before, who take the new me as passive aggressive and cruel. Who refuse to treat me as a brain injury survivor and so cannot interact with me anymore.
I’ve learnt a lot via the website and the support you have provided. I’ve exchanged emails with members who have always been kind and willing to help in any way they can.
My life, my whole world, this is my most treasured possession. I value this every day.
‘I refuse to treat you differently.'
Sitting still and focusing on the deep breathes.
Be in the moment. This is all you have.
I feel free. I used to not be very sure of myself. I was scared of judgement or upsetting others.
When I realised that I can do whatever I want, as long as it's not directly hurting others, I began to enjoy every aspect of my life, even the challenges.
I look forward to learning from all of life's adversities.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is an injury to the brain caused by a trauma to the head (head injury)
Find out moreEveryone who has had a brain injury can be left with some changes in emotional reaction. These can be some of the most difficult for the individual concerned and their family to deal with.
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