Q&A – “I would be the ...
“I would be the Happiness Fairy, I’ve sprinkled Happy Dust on you, now smile.”
TBI survivor Debra Jones on mindfulness meditation, her most treasured possession and what frustrates her the most about her brain injury.
Debra Jones sustained a traumatic brain injury following a fall. The injury has left her with a number of cognitive, sensory and emotional issues and she struggled to cope.
Dame Helen Mirren
I feel happier when I try and push myself to become more independent, praise myself on small achievements and surround myself with people that care. Having love behind you is a bigger push than anyone knows. Finally, smile it is good for your mentality.
My son and daughter are the two people who understand my brain injury the most.
Comparing the way things used to be. Aphasia is hard to deal with on a daily basis especially in social situations. People, however sometimes do not understand that our intelligence is not affected.
Headway has supported me with online support sites, helping to keep strategies in place to have a better quality of life and interaction with other TBI sufferers.
I would be the Happiness Fairy. I've sprinkled Happy Dust on you, now smile! This stuff is expensive!
My most treasured possession is my Mother's wedding ring that hold many memories of her.
You're tired already?!I know, I've got a terrible memory too! You look the same as you used to, it doesn't look like there is anything wrong with you! Comments like this can feel patronizing, I find it easier sometimes to say nothing at all, I have to repeatedly explain the 'hidden disability'.
When I was introduced to different forms of Mindfulness Meditation it was very relaxing, to focus on the present moment has proven to be effective to help with cognitive, emotional behaviours and try and make peace with the 'new you'.
The most important lesson I have learned is, sometimes you need to be knocked down to nothing in order to gain a new life that is true to who you are now. I can say I try not to be a victim, some things in life cannot be changed back to the past so focus on my ability and choose to see the good things in every situation. These choices are mine and it is up to me continue with a journey of healing instead of giving up.
It is not easy to positive all the time, that is where hope and courage join in the ride. Take each day because you never know what is going to happen to you.
The most positive effect of TBI for me is Psychology. Social and emotional factors can be a burden but therapy can help building on what's strong rather than fixing what is wrong. Keeping a diary helps self esteem and self perceptions.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is an injury to the brain caused by a trauma to the head (head injury)
Find out moreFind out about some of the main difficulties that arise after brain injury, together with some suggestions as to how to deal with them.
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