Started in 2022, the ABI (acquired brain injury) Games is an annual event which offers people with ABIs the opportunity to participate in sports.
Before the main event, which will be held in Worcester in 2025, the ABI Games™ Roadshow is giving brain injury survivors the chance to get involved in Liverpool. Further dates in Portsmouth and Nottingham will be announced soon.
The next ABI Games™ Roadshow will take place in Liverpool on Thursday, October 24, 2024, at The Liverpool Tennis Centre, 10am - 3pm.
Mandie Fitzgerald, CEO at Headway Worcestershire, explained: “Headway Worcestershire is a charity supporting people with acquired brain injuries. We have four centres based throughout Worcestershire in Worcester, Bromsgrove, Stourport and Evesham.
"This is the second exciting ABI Games™ Roadshow, and it is open to anyone with an acquired brain injury who would like to participate. We are delighted to partner with The Lawn Tennis Association and Everton Community Football, and throughout the day, people can play tennis, football, or both.
"The Roadshow raises awareness of acquired brain injuries, highlights the challenges faced by survivors and promotes understanding and acceptance within the broader community. The events also provide brain injury survivors with the opportunity to engage in sports and activities, promoting physical fitness, social interaction, and a sense of accomplishment, leading up to possible participation in the main ABI Games event, which takes place in Worcester on August 20, 2025.
"We’d like to extend our thanks to Clare Jones, an expat living in Florida, USA for her support. Instead of presents for her birthday, Clare asked for donations totalling $1,000, which enabled us to fund the Liverpool ABI Games™ Roadshow.
"Come along for some fun and maybe make some new friends. Entrance is free.”
Individuals and organisations interested in getting involved in the ABI Games™ Roadshow can find out more, including details on sponsorship packages, by visiting the dedicated ABI Games website.