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Survey launched for ABI Week A life re-written

Tue 30 Jan 2024

Headway has launched a new set of surveys to gather data and experiences for our Action for Brain Injury Week 2024 campaign, A life re-written.

A life re-written is about identity after brain injury

We will chart positive examples of brain injury survivors who have experienced post-traumatic growth and successfully rebuilt their careers, relationships and lives. We will also outline the realism of life post-brain injury and how positive outcomes aren’t always the norm. This would include the ripple effect on others, for example how partners are affected, and how they also make life changes, sacrifices and adjustments to their own goals and expectations.

A new set of surveys

Two new surveys have been launched to gather first-hand insight into these issues. One survey is for brain injury survivors to complete, while the other is for families, partners, friends and carers of a brain injury survivor.

Each survey takes around 14 minutes to complete and can be done anonymously. There is the option at the end of the survey to be contacted by Headway to further support us with our campaign work/research in this area.

Surveys now closed

Thank you for your support 

We are very grateful to anyone who completes or shares our survey, as your responses will help us to understand how people’s life stories are re-written after brain injury.

Results of the survey will be announced during ABI Week 2024 (20th – 26th May 2024).


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ABI Week: A life re-written
ABI Week 2024: A life re-written
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