What is Action for Brain Injury (ABI) Week?
ABI Week is our annual awareness campaign. It aims to raise awareness of the issues faced by individuals and families affected by brain injury, promote understanding, and encourage support from the wider public, organisations, and policymakers.
The week provides an important platform to:
Raise Awareness
By shining a light on the often invisible challenges of brain injury, ABI Week educates the public about the physical, cognitive, and emotional effects of brain injury.
Advocate for Change
The campaign advocates for better services and support for people affected by brain injury, calling on policymakers and health professionals to improve care, rehabilitation, and recognition of brain injury in various aspects of life.
Engage Communities
We encourage everyone - members of the public, workplaces, schools, and communities - to get involved through events, social media campaigns, and fundraisers like Hats for Headway.
2025 theme: On a good day
On a good day is about the fluctuating nature of brain injury
The surveys have been designed to gather experiences from brain injury survivors and their carers on the fluctuating nature of brain injury. By fluctuating, we mean that the effects of brain injury are not the same every day. They may be ‘better’ on some days and ‘worse’ on others.
A new set of surveys
Two separate surveys have been created, one to be completed by brain injury survivors, and the other for carers (anyone who is closely involved with supporting a brain injury survivor, for instance a partner, spouse, other relative, friend or professional carer). You can access both of these surveys from the links below.
Thank you for your support
Each survey takes around 15 minutes to complete and contains a mix of tick-box and open text questions. All responses will be treated anonymously.
We hope to hear from as many people as possible so that we can offer an accurate account of the fluctuating experiences of brain injury survivors and carers during ABI Week 2025.