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On a good day

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On a good day

Thu 13 Mar 2025

Action for Brain Injury Week (ABI Week) is Headway’s annual campaign to raise awareness and understanding of brain injury.

ABI Week 2025

This year’s campaign takes place between the 19th – 25th May and is called On a good day.

On a good day will tell of the fluctuating and unpredictable nature of brain injury, highlighting the gap between capabilities on a good day versus a bad day.

Fatigue, headaches, mood changes, capacity and cognition problems have a huge impact on a survivor’s day-to-day activities, their ability to work and their relationships with friends, family and others.

Colin Morris, Director of Communications at Headway, said:

“On a good day will get people thinking about brain injury. However, more importantly, we hope people will change their opinions, attitudes and behaviours towards those who might be having an all-too-common bad day.

“We will tell the stories of brain injury survivors through their own words, both good and bad days. We’ll capture the thoughts of survivors and carers through our surveys, hearing what it’s like to navigate life after brain injury.

“We’re excited to involve as many people as possible in this year’s campaign – to explore all the ways a brain injury can change lives of all those affected and to see both sides of brain injury.”

How to get involved

Are you a brain injury survivor or a carer or family member?

You can participate in the campaign by filling out our new surveys for 2025.


Each survey takes around 15 minutes to complete and contains a mix of tick-box and open text questions. All responses will be treated anonymously.

We hope to hear from as many people as possible so that we can offer an accurate account of the fluctuating experiences of brain injury survivors and carers during ABI Week 2025.

The results of the survey will be announced during ABI Week 2025 (19th – 25th May 2025).

Thank you for your support 

Your responses will help us to campaign for greater awareness of the impact of brain injury.

More information about this and further ways to get involved with the campaign will appear on our website and social media soon.


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Headway - the brain injury association is registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (Charity no. 1025852) and the Office of the Scottish Regulator (Charity no. SC 039992). Headway is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England no. 2346893.

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