East Midlands

Groups and branches:

Map key

  • Headway groups pin
  • Headway branches pin
Headway Derby

Organisation details

Phone number:

01332 347314

Email address:


Headway East Northants

Organisation details

Phone number:

01933 652311

Headway Lincolnshire

Organisation details

Phone number:

07546 592526

Meeting details

Spalding Social Support group

Monthly, 1st Wednesday of each month 10am - 11:30am

Roythornes Solicitors, Enterprise Way, Pinchbeck, Spalding

Boston social meeting

Monthly, Second Wednesday of the month 10am - 12 noon

Wings Meadow, Freiston Road.

07591 564946

Grantham Social Group

Monthly, 3rd Wednesday of each month 10am - 12 noon

Belton Avenue Community Centre, Grantham

Lincoln Social Group

Monthly, 1st thursday of each month from 7pm - 9pm

MS Therapy Centre, 50 Outer Circle Drive, Lincoln

Headway North Derbyshire

Organisation details

Phone number:

07940 729544

Meeting details

Social meeting

Monthly, Last Saturday of the month

Chesterfield Bowl

Headway Nottingham Ltd

Organisation details

Phone number:

0115 9679669

Leicestershire Leicester and Rutland Headway

Organisation details

Phone number:

0116 273 9763