JCP Solicitors (Carmarthenshire)

Organisation details

Solicitor Name:
Matthew Owen
Parc Pensarn

SA31 2NF
United Kingdom
01267 234022
  • Firm can provide advice on appointing a professional to make financial and welfare decisions following a claim for individuals who lack the mental capacity to do so themselves

  • Partner in the firm can act as a Professional Deputy/Controller of Affairs to make financial and welfare decisions following a claim for individuals who lack the mental capacity to do so themselves

  • Firm can advise on the investment of damages

  • Firm can handle the investment of successful compensation claims in-house

  • Firm uses Case Managers to establish personal care support schemes’

  • Home visits

  • Wheelchair access at office

  • Firm will act on a No win, No fee agreement

  • Contact Solicitor is an Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) member

  • Firm is in active contact with local Headway group

  • Firm have a Family Law Department